Juices and smoothies aren't just for the hotter months, our seasonal recipes have great nutritional benefits and have been specially designed with the colder months in mind. A case in point are our Cold Buster and Mighty Healer.

Garlic has anti-bacterial properties that help the immune system to fight infection. It contains several helpful compounds, including allicin, one of the plant kingdom's most potent antibiotics. Onion is a close relative of garlic and has similar properties, containing similar antiviral chemicals.

Ginger is another of natures' antiviral herbs. It contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. It is pain relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant. It is valuable for preventing and treating colds, sore throats and inflammation of mucus membranes.

We make sure our juices are palatable as well as nutritious, so don't worry if those ingredients seem a little scary. By combining the ingredients carefully, they are actually tasty too.

And to help you along the way we are launching our new juice loyalty cards - Buy 5 juices from us, and get the 6th free! Pick one up next time you are in.

A great way to work your way through our seasonal menu. You could choose from a Clear Vision, with carrot, chard, apple and kale, or an Energy Booster with carrot, celery, apple and parsley. All carefully selected and blended to give you great nutrition and easy on the palate. Keep a look out on the juice and specials board for new combinations. And if there's a particular juice combo we don't show, we will endeavour to make one to your specification, store cupboard ingredients prevailing.